You want only the best for your baby. When choosing baby products that come in contact with your child's delicate skin, use only natural, healing ingredients - for our all natural babies!
Contains: 1/2 oz Baby Bum and Boo-boo First Aid Salve 1 oz Cuddle Me Herbal Baby Oil 1 oz Baby Bum and Boo-boo Spray
The All Natural Baby Kit - Rest assured that our babies stay natural, the same as they arrived!
Principle Ingredients: Lavender: healing, and the ultimate balancer of oils, emotions and life. Cleansing, cell-regenerating and calming. Calendula: anti-inflammatory, tonifying, promotes growth of new tissue, antibacterial Echinacea: anti-fungal, wound-healer, antimicrobial The herbs are solar-infused into the carrier oils, (see description under "About l.c. of acirema"). Carrier oils: are intensely soothing, anti-inflammatory, and nutrient-laden. Coconut oil, Jojoba and Apricot kernal oil have specific properties each that are similar to human skin. Coconut oil itself is high in antioxidants and contains high levels of Lauric acid, which is known for being anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.