Fetish I.O.U. Sex: "Rub each other down with baby oil" "I'll tell you an explicit fetish fantasy" "Sex in the great outdoors"
Fetish I.O.U is the game of pleasure exchange, where you and your lover can swap kinky cards to find out what tonight's I.O.U is. Fetish I.O.U. contains forty-two cards with secret BDSM suggestions concealed within. Open one, two, or as many as you fancy, and follow the instructions within.
A great way to spark off your sex life, learn new twists on old tricks and build up the anticipation...
A few suggestions:
Put one in your lover's pocket, wallet or bag in the morning - scribble a note on the back to say when you'll be redeeming the I.O.U...
Open one each day, like an Advent Calendar, through the cold winter months.
On a lazy Saturday, take the phone off the hook, pick any three cards, and enjoy.